Friday, April 29, 2011


Compliments of Miss Jayla:

"CAR-CAR, CAR-CAR! I found a boogie, it was liking my nose...GOT IT...It's a big daddy booger not a little Jayla booger."

Note: Car-Car is what she calls me. :-)

Time flies...

And, no matter how scary the previous thought may be -I can NOT wait to meet Mr. Caleb Neil Adams!  It will be here much sooner than I could have ever imagined. 

My intentions were to document my pregnancy via blogging (but found it was easier to Facebook at the time) and continue the trend after Caleb joins our family. With family & friends living all over the place, I feel that blogging will allow for everyone to have an open invitation into our lives.  I can not wait to share with you or trials & triumphs as we grow.

I am officially entered my 3rd trimester (28w) as of this week & there is NO doubt -baby bump has fully presented itself:

It feels like just yesterday that I had found out that we were expecting. I have been blessed to have been experiencing a very smooth pregnancy to this point. But, I have a feeling with a few new aches & pains & very restless nights recently -that the honeymoon stage of pregnancy is coming to a close.

My next OB appt. is Tuesday, May 3rd -on the agenda: Glucose Tolerance Test. I have no idea when I will get the pleasure of seeing my little ones face again, but will update next week after my appointment. 

Until then, Jayla & I will be hanging out together and taking advantage of the warm spring afternoons. Hop Scotch, anyone?