Friday, May 27, 2011

32w Update/Parenting Wisdom

It has been a beautiful week here. Wish today could follow that pattern, but it's looking like rain today. Jayla & I have taken full advantage this week.

Oh, I can not forget to mention the AWESOME gifts that arrived from Chicago that Auntie Ruth sent for Caleb. 

Cubbies gear, some new SUPER cute outfits, a handmade afghan, & a snugly cubbies pillow pet (how cool is that?). THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I love everything.

Well, I have been feeling back to normal again -sorta. My hip pain has subsided, but my sleeping patterns are not really improving. I have been up every few hours. It may very well help me adjust for a future full of long nights -but one good nights sleep a week would be a true lifesaver right now. 

As for Caleb, he is still growing!

I received "The Mother's Almanac" as a gift for my shower from former professor, Dr. Merry George & I have found much enjoyment out of this book thus far into my reading. I thought I would leave you all with some of the things I hope I can remember/hang onto once my little man arrives. Have a wonderful & safe Memorial Day weekend, ENJOY! 

  • " matter how ideal the's as hard to rear the first child as it always was."
  • "Motherhood brings as much joy as ever, but still brings boredom, exhaustion and sorrow too. Nothing else will make you as happy or as sad, as proud or as tired, for nothing is quite as hard as helping a person develop his own individuality -especially while you struggle to keep your own."
  • "...although the learning gets less with each succeeding child, the giving never does."
  • "The influences you give your child in the early years will be as much a part of his structure as the bones in his body."
  • "Although we consider parents the king & queen of a family, we think they must respect their subjects now, if only yo avoid guillotine later."
  • "...the pride of a new mother forces her to compete with her own mother (and his mother), not as they were once, young & inept, but as she knows them now -older & very ept indeed."
  • "Only he [your child] can make you feel so foolish, so confused, so frightened -or so exhilarated."
  • "When you are pregnant for the first time you feel superior to every frazzled mother chasing children in the supermarket & you know you'll never be that way. SAVOR THE CONFIDENCE."
  • "'re the boss, even if your child doesn't know it."
  • "It is difficult enough to be a mother; let us forgo the role of God."
  • "A happy child certainly will not feel he must excel in all areas..."
  • "It takes hard work and hard thinking to rear good people. The job is interesting, although the hours are bad, starting from the first day."

Monday, May 23, 2011

Caleb's Room

Well, I spend the weekend getting things together & semi-organized for little man's room. There are still things that will need to be done but it is exciting to watch it all come together. We decided that we would use Josh's baseball things for the room & I am so happy with that decision. Hopefully Mr. Caleb will like baseball as much as we do.

Just thought I'd share the progress in photos. Enjoy!

P.S. Big CONGRATULATIONS to the Blackburn family on the arrival of Caleb's best friend -Liam!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Week in Review

It sure has been an exciting week for the Adams Family, *snap, snap*,  okay so I am a total dork but I could not resist.

Had my owl themed baby shower on Sat. May, 14 and had a blast. 

Shout out to Nikki Billiter -one of the best friends a girl could ask for. She worked SO hard to make my shower adorable & special. 

Nikki & I
It was JUST that. It was also great seeing faces that I had not seen in quite and while. We have been blessed with a wonderful support system. I received some beautiful and helpful items and have been spending this week organizing Caleb's room and washing my new items.  It is coming along...

I'm not sure he has enough clothes? HAHAHA

THAT my friends is only my newborn/0-3 clothes that I have managed to accumulate. I have 3 drawers full of 3 mths+. I am pretty sure I am going to have to change him 3-4 times a day for him to wear everything. :-)

I had a doctors appointment on Tuesday, May 17 & all is well. Weight is good, blood pressure is good, baby's heart rate is good.  Doc says baby his head down already, as he should be and that it seems that to this point I'm a "model pregnant patient." I hope we can keep it that way. After a long weekend on my feet I was having some round ligament pain that kept me from resting much but a warm bath & some Tylenol managed to help that. It would just not be fair if I managed to go the entire pregnancy without any aches/pains now would it? 

I am official 31w and can NOT believe that I am merely 6 weeks away from being full term. Belly just keeps growing:

We are going to hope Caleb decides to bake to 40w & come on his due date, but all I can think is WOW! We are so close to meeting this little guy. 

Until next week sometime -I'll leave you with some more images from the baby shower! Enjoy! 

Thank you to Sarah Blackburn for helping me paint all my owls!

Whoo's Whoo? Tree -baby owls w/ baby photos of some guests.

Cake Compliments of Janet Bates

Write Caleb a love note table

Friends since Grade 8 - Torie & Tosh

Caleb's Auntie Yuvonne

College Professor - Dr. Merry E. George

Miss Whitney Lawson

The COM crew 
Another friend since Grade 8 -Amber Adams-Johnston

Cousins- Michelle & her adorable little man Justin Luke

Mrs. Kelli Hatfield

Caleb's Nan-Nan, Lisa

Caleb's Great Granny Nora & Granny 

Aunt Zettie

My best girl -Jayla Raine

Debbie, Jayla, & Stacy

"And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow." -Gilbert K. Chesterton 

Kimper, KY 

Monday, May 16, 2011

Daily Laugh: Jayla & Butterfly

Well, one of Jayla's caterpillars has completed it metamorphosis (or hatched in it's "raccoon") into a beautiful Painted Lady Butterfly. 

She was really excited until the butterfly began to fly around & it freaked her out. Immediate tears! But, all is well after a little talk. Now, to wait on the other 2. :-) 

Monday, May 9, 2011

Crazy thing called life...

After a really long & stressful week -I can't help but think of the better things in life. I know it could always be worse. I can not help but imagine those who have suffered from all the natural disaster that has ripped apart entire communities in the South. Makes me feel blessed & thankful despite the series of unfortunate events with my car.

Although my 1 hours Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) was 2 points off. After 5 more needles & a REALLY long morning (6:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.) I passed my 3 hour GTT. GREAT news!

I have really tried to get things on the ball with organizing for Caleb Neil's arrival. My owl themed baby shower is this coming weekend (SO excited) & I really wanted to get things somewhat straight before bringing a bunch of new stuff in. I am really hopeful that I will not find myself completely overwhelmed.

What Josh & I have managed to get accomplished:
  • Crib up
  • Dresser/Chest painted
  • Clothes (& I have already accumulated a lot) washed & stored in drawers/closet
So, it is not a WHOLE lot but it is a start. My goal this week is to hang some wall decor that is truly special to Josh. I am using his baseball equipment & memorabilia to decorate the room. Why leave it in storage?

I have been feeling pregnant for the first time since my 1st trimester recently (and my 1st trimester really was as smooth as I could have ever hoped it would be). But, as I said previously -honeymoon stage = OVER. Lack of sleep, back aches, & most recently swelling of the hands & feet (but only when I spend a lot of time outside in the heat). But, at the end of it all -TOTALLY worth it. I have been so very blessed with great/easy pregnancy & pray it will continue.

Now that I have bored you with my words, I will share my week in photos -ENJOY:

Lawson-Burton Engagement Shoot

29 weeks bump

Jayla's overdue Easter Shoot

Crib is up!

Clothes washed & ready to put away. 

Sweet baby Robin @ the house. I love Spring!

Enjoying the sunshine -just-a swingin'

"I love Choc-wat" -Jayla

5 of these little boogers where removed from our bathroom vent. 4/5 made it as far as we know.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


"My caterpillar is about to turn into a raccoon..."-Jayla

I think she meant that it has formed it's cocoon.