Thursday, May 19, 2011

Week in Review

It sure has been an exciting week for the Adams Family, *snap, snap*,  okay so I am a total dork but I could not resist.

Had my owl themed baby shower on Sat. May, 14 and had a blast. 

Shout out to Nikki Billiter -one of the best friends a girl could ask for. She worked SO hard to make my shower adorable & special. 

Nikki & I
It was JUST that. It was also great seeing faces that I had not seen in quite and while. We have been blessed with a wonderful support system. I received some beautiful and helpful items and have been spending this week organizing Caleb's room and washing my new items.  It is coming along...

I'm not sure he has enough clothes? HAHAHA

THAT my friends is only my newborn/0-3 clothes that I have managed to accumulate. I have 3 drawers full of 3 mths+. I am pretty sure I am going to have to change him 3-4 times a day for him to wear everything. :-)

I had a doctors appointment on Tuesday, May 17 & all is well. Weight is good, blood pressure is good, baby's heart rate is good.  Doc says baby his head down already, as he should be and that it seems that to this point I'm a "model pregnant patient." I hope we can keep it that way. After a long weekend on my feet I was having some round ligament pain that kept me from resting much but a warm bath & some Tylenol managed to help that. It would just not be fair if I managed to go the entire pregnancy without any aches/pains now would it? 

I am official 31w and can NOT believe that I am merely 6 weeks away from being full term. Belly just keeps growing:

We are going to hope Caleb decides to bake to 40w & come on his due date, but all I can think is WOW! We are so close to meeting this little guy. 

Until next week sometime -I'll leave you with some more images from the baby shower! Enjoy! 

Thank you to Sarah Blackburn for helping me paint all my owls!

Whoo's Whoo? Tree -baby owls w/ baby photos of some guests.

Cake Compliments of Janet Bates

Write Caleb a love note table

Friends since Grade 8 - Torie & Tosh

Caleb's Auntie Yuvonne

College Professor - Dr. Merry E. George

Miss Whitney Lawson

The COM crew 
Another friend since Grade 8 -Amber Adams-Johnston

Cousins- Michelle & her adorable little man Justin Luke

Mrs. Kelli Hatfield

Caleb's Nan-Nan, Lisa

Caleb's Great Granny Nora & Granny 

Aunt Zettie

My best girl -Jayla Raine

Debbie, Jayla, & Stacy

"And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow." -Gilbert K. Chesterton 

Kimper, KY 

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